How the New Politics May Be Hazardous to Your Health

After the 2000 census, many states used politics and innovative mapping technology to gerrymander new electoral districts to lock in gains for one party or the other. California politicians, for example, drew new “safe” seats and the result was hyper-partisanship and politicians who didn’t need to pay attention to anyone that wasn’t singing from their sheet music. Unfortunately, the results may also be dirtier air and a less sustainable future.

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Finding Your Force Multiplier

Zhongwei “Wally” Jiang is a multi-cultural entrepreneur with more 24/7 activity than the Energizer bunny. His WesTech Solar Energy company in China and green city developments in Texas make the most of what Nature and efficient technologies can provide. His secret to success is stitching together people, technology, and ideas that might not normally interact, a process he calls “1+1=11”. Like Wally, we can all find these force multipliers that leverage our assets beyond what many might think is possible - - but only if we look for them.

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The Real Japan-China Conflict

In recent months, Japan and China have blustered over disputed islands that don’t appear to have any real economic or territorial benefits for either nation. Jets have scrambled and radars locked on opposing vessels, all signs of increasing tension. But the two Asian powerhouses have now begun to argue over a shared threat that actually does have impacts on the health and future of their respective populations - - air pollution.

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